Aftahwerds ah gawt my shite togetha fer a think13 gig at a irish bar literally around tha corner from my singah n geetarist. Ah finally remembered ta bring my camera on tha BART so ah was able ta snap this photo of tha view ah have almost every mornin on a clear day gaein intae tha city (next week ahll try ta take one of tha bay-side):

While it took me gawdamm ferevah ta git intae tha inner richmond district, we had a quick band practice n then headed ovah to Ireland's 32, wherein we were presented w. some monitors, a bag of mics n cables, n an 8 track. While thar was some initial confusion, we ended up gittin a pretty good sound out of tha equipment by ourselves.
Tha gig went awesome, as far as ah ken tell, even w. our singah bein ill. Ah met a bunch of fun people, n tha songs felt SOLID, fer tha first time yet w. these folks. Before n aftah tha actual show, ah made some bass noise w. my percussionists, which kept me busy (n stopped me from drinkin too much. What also stopped me from drinkin too much is ah kept bein told how much drinks cost...while tha rest of tha bands drank fer free. Complete bollocks, n ah won't stand fer it next time).
Tha nite didn't stop thar, as a few people we're affiliated w. gawt what ahm gaein ta term "Irish Drunk," n did thar best ta let everyone on tha street know it. We also went fer pizza about a dozen times. In tha mornin, we spent a few minutes rawkin out on some new tunes, n then ah had a delicious and healthy lunch.
Aftahwerds ah went a bit furtha east intae tha city n met up w. tha SF Young Adult UU folk, most of whom ahd nevah met. Thar was a ton of people from tha New England area, includin someone that even lives just down tha street from me. Ah finally made my sweaty stinky n slightly hungovah self back to my house, showered up, n headed out ta see There Will Be Blood b/c ah just NOW found out that its a Paul Thomas Anderson movie (ahm on tha otha side of tha country from my fellow cinephile friends, :-( ) n it knocked me out. Marvelously well-made, n definitely tha most straight-ahead (and minimalistic) of PTA's movies since Hard 8, but it's really tha story of a man who goes from slightly conniving to downright despicable. Tha ending hits like a brick. Ah only recommend it to those who love film for films sake. Tha sound is really well-done also, but ah can't imagine watching all 158 minutes of it again.
So now, its just shy of midnite, ah have development werk ta dae this week n hopefully then some. End of this month is a fully electric Warren Teagarden gig, n hopefully a bday gig in mid-march w. think13 at Ireland's 32 again. Ahm slammin busy as it stands, n really really happy about it.
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