You don't hafta comment, er send me an email, er pretend ta call me (still nae phone), er drop by my office n take me out fer lunch (altho all that stuff would be nice!), ah just ask that you think about me today, preferably how awesome you think ah am. N you east-coasters should miss me a lil too, please :)

Twenty-Seven is a numbah that has much spiritual and mathematical significance. Ah think its a pretty rawkin age ta be, n am lookin forward ta fawkin all sortsa shite up this next year!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! 27 was an interesting year for me.
The East Coast misses you. Sorry I didn't get a chance to write that on your actual birthday. Hope it was awesome.
I've got a birthday coming up in a few months, and I like your philosophy. So I'm going to use it this year. - Looking forward to fawkin' lots a shite up! ...means I'm learnin'!
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