Makes me think of how badassed a whole field of wildflowers out here will look in tha summer - this was a desolate patch of grey brown when ah moved here.
Next, think13 played at MAPP last nite in tha supah cold windy Balmy alleyway (Balmy is actually tha name of tha alleyway). It was just Dee and Christoph and myself, accompanied by fire dancers and for a little while by a little girl named Haley (probably around 9 years old) who banged on tha drum. Aftahwerds was this total weird duo of weirdos who chanted like ghosts and banged on stuff - total prima donnas. ah knew from tha git gae they'd be hard ta please, havin sound issues w. thar one amp (without which they couldn't gae "wooo! woo!"), n then when some of our dancers decided to accompany thar weirdness, one of em complained she couldn't breathe from tha kerosene. Fair enuff, but w.o tha fire dancers, thar stuff was pretty much unwatchable/listenable. N then it gawt werse w. a drunk latino man in his 40s started singing/shouting at them, and they disbanded before finishing. Tha crowd (what was left of them) wasn't too dissapointed, but they did start gittin annoyed at tha drunk guy who would nawt leave and would nawt shut up.
But thar WAS fire:

Gawta love San Francisco!
Today ah biked around tha mission gaein ta three open houses - only one of them is a potential fit, n its a bit more expensive then ahd like n only has one bathroom, for like 8 people, which could be a problem. but it would be a great space to live in - this huge crazy warehouse w. a 93" tv screen and bikes scattered around fer parts. We'll see how it gaes.....
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