Tha picture doesn't dae her any justice, but this instrument is a phenomenal creation that ah dearly love(d). Yes, ah finally sold my carvin AC40 to a good home, but it hurt a lil bit.
This bass is (was) one of my most impressive possesions. An excellent example of solid craftmanship, woodworking, delicate balance, and playability. A common problem w. many (all) acoustic basses (and guitars in general) is that because of the size of the body of the instrument, it's hard to play too far past the 12th fret. Not a huge issue, but somewhat limiting. The Carvin AC40 allows you to play all 24 glorious frets w/ relative ease, b/c instead of being a full-on acoustic, is actually a semi-hollow bodied electric guitar. This means you can get great acoustically sounding notes, with all 24 of the frets. But, you have to plug it in.
Unfortunately, at least for me, this was (And is still ah believe) billed as an acoustic/electric bass. N thar mite be some fine print explainin all this - ah bought this before ah knew how ta research thangs on tha internet (er even cared). What this means tho, is a naive 20 year old me spent oodles (less then a thousand, but nawt by much) of cash on a bass that didn't dae what he thought it would. Namely, be an acoustic bass that you could also plug in.
These days, acoustic/electric basses are much easier ta find - everywhar. N craigslist has hooked it up in terms of findin them at an affordable price. Back then, ah didn't know tha first thang about shoppin n bought a brand that ah knew was solid (as ah did fer pretty much everythang back in tha day). It wasn't until ah put out some REAL money fer my 6 string that ah started lookin intae RESEARCHIN potential buys n found ah ken be quite a picky bastard. Of kerse, that bass doesn't git much love either, but ah won't be sellin it anytime soon (providin ah keep tha jobby job at least).
So, ah imagine one of these days ah will buy a real acoustic/electric - n hopefully spend less then 400 fer a pretty decent one (cuz ah know bettah now). But tha demand is nawt large enuff at tha moment ta necessitate an immediate buy. Ah will prolly put some money intae fixin up my current 4-string w. new pickups n a minor overhaul, n then start up a "real amp" fund (btw, did ah resolve tha blog? ah found a bass cab online that was bein sold by tha guys who we rent our practice space from. It's nawt a great cab, but it does tha job fer now n ah gawt it fer pretty cheap. Too easy).
Tha bass itself is actually semi-custom. While ah picked it out from a catalog, ah had ta call Carvin themself and order it. W. it's fancy color (called Greenburst. It's current owner "isn't all that crazy about green" actually). N then they made it n shipped it ta me. That bass was made fer me, literally. but now it belongs to, n will git played by, Chuck. So it gaes.
All in all tho, ahm glad its gawn off to a new home, n ahm glad ah gawt my bare minimum askin price (almost half what its werth new). Ah will miss it though - ah nevah played it, but ah sure did appreciate it. An hour before ah sent it away, ah wrote a song on it (sorta). One that ahve just realized ah can't actually play on my current 4-string - cuz that one only has 20 frets n ah need 21. :-(
Goodbye Greenie. It was nevah meant ta be.....
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