So ah tracked down a recipe that looked, ta be frank, totally overindulgent. Here it is.
A whole cup of butter and 8 oz. of bakin chocolate. 5 eggs. Yes. This is going to be soooo good for me.
Ah gawt ta use tha house standin mixer (in case ah haven't explained, my house is totally overrun w. kitchen and yard gadgets that don't belong to anyone. We don't even know whose dishes we use. We just use them. It's that kind of house). N it was fawkin sweet. This is tha mixer before thangs gawt sweet:

Ah kinda messed up on tha actual bakin - nawt sure what happened. But ah took them out of tha oven aftah 50 minutes, instead of 40, n let them cool - only ta find tha inside was still underdone (n nawt fudgy, doughy). So ah stuck them back in fer 10 er 15 more minutes - some of em came out a bit overdone (nawt quite burned, but close) n some of em were perfect. Many were neither. Here they are:

(note: ah tried 3 times to upload it n blogspot wants ta keep rotatin tha picture. Fine. Be that way. Fuckface).
Ah will say, tha recipe is pretty much tha bomb. It's more butter then most of them, so ahll hafta take that intae account. But those of you who will be in North Carolina should be quite happy w. tha way they turn out....ahm lookin forward to that.
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