Anyway, ah made a friend in 9th grade on my skool bus. We had lil in common, expect fer likin booze n hard punk. Somehow, we've maintained contact and friendship all these years. We disagree on pretty much everythang, as hes mostly conservative n ahm, well, you know, me. But we've maintained a friendship and respect for each otha despite all that.
But ah was just chattin with him, n he told me he opposed tha backlash ta proposition 8 because it was voted on. N ah can't hang w. that. Yes, his point is that if voters vote on it then its law - but somethangs are rite, n some are fawking wrong. Ah git democracy n all that shite, but if you can't take tha blinders off n recognize that people are fawkin idiots n mite vote ta support bullshite, then fawk off.
Ah blocked him. That might be tha booze ah drank at tha event ah just catered (hippy uu medievil gothick weddin), but really, prop 8 is so evil n stupid n ugly enuff that ah have lil problem cashin in a friendship of 13 years fer.
Seriously CJ - we knew this time would come. See ya on tha otha side....

I'd love to title this caption "asshole" but I'm not queer so think it doesn't totally werk, but my said friend IS married
1 comment:
I lost a friend over this election, and I'm not too sad about it. We were friends for 16 years, but she always dismissed her politically liberal past as part of her childhood, and her now conservative self is the "mature" her. The constant implication that I was the childish one killed me, as did her passel of homosexual friends (she's an interior designer) who I felt she betrayed every time she voted.
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