In general, I am well, but the fourth brought me some sad news. My friend Katie Tyson, someone I was not close to but did know more then in passing, was killed in a car crash coming back from General Assembly. She was 21 years old.

Katie and I carpooled to OPUS in 2007. I did not know her extremely well, but she has been in my kitchen, I have met her parents, and I easily consider her a friend. My personal belief system tells me that Katie's time in this life was short for a reason, and that she is on to a better place, but it is a very sad tragedy that she is no longer with us in the same way. My apologies if that picture caught anyone off guard.
Moving on however, to less depressing pictures.
A Thai Restaurant on Haight St

My UU friend and neighbor who recently left SF to travel the world teaching drama - ah will miss her Thas her SF boyfriend behind us, who is a good guy w. musical inclinations.

One of the dozen or so yoga mats I painted last week at my studio's work party

Wee the Band's Seedy Release Party is this week!

Look how gorgeous our album is! You should be getting one in the mail soon if I have your address - if I don't have your address, email me! You can also download it on itunes, Rhapsody, andAmazon! Wee made it easy on ya!
Ah inherited a beater bike from an ex-roomie My local bike shop needed just 35 bux to get running decently. The seat post was stuck to hell, but the yoga studio owner n ah manhandled it eventually.
Ah took a video on my phone of me playin tha shit outta tha drums, but neither blogspot nor youtube could handle the audio correctly, so ah can't share. sorry. Ah played them today, spending almost an hour on sticking exercises. It was embarassing that ah had ta practice at 46 bpm n it was still very rough gaein. In time....
1 comment:
Katie's passing is a tragedy, but I would like to think of her as in a better place. I will always hear her musical voice when I think of that song "How could anyone ever tell you, you were anything less than beautiful..."
Phucket Thai? Made of awesome. I may have to make you take me there when I am in SF.
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