Edit: ah went back to tha space ta git my camera, so here ya gae!

Edit: N some pics from my garden - color coordinated so you ken see whas growin!


ah ran intae this guy at tha folsom street festival tha next day - he n ah had beeb crackin jokes durin one of his performances at the Tour de Fat.
at tour de fat w. josh n kirsten

Josh was the guy who tried ta hire me back in early 2008 but ah took my otha job instead. Ah apparently inspired him ta volunteer at this festival, n we hang out once er twice a month. That is Kirsten, who poured beer w. us, n who Josh thought was really really hot. Ah didn't disagree ah guess....
me n my ride on a cross

Leavin tha park, Josh n ah took a different path n found a huge ass cross. This is one of tha bettah pics ahve had taken of me in a while, so ah figured ahd include it
bike over head

Thas rite ahma rawkstar!
on big cross

Told you tha cross was big - tha platform ahm standin on was prolly 10 feet tall itself!
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