Tuesday, June 03, 2008


- my ampeg is dyin. Lettin out sad tremors undah every string pluck, snap, er whap. It's nawt suitable fer tha publick anymore. thar gaes payin off credit cards this pay cycle!

- my room is soooo fricken loud - n my headboard is currently next to tha thin windows. Have ah complained enuff about how badly built houses are out here? cuz they sure is. Anyway, ah think ah ken git used ta it - but ridin my bike home this evenin at 930 n when it was quiet in areas nawt all that far from tha bump n grind of tha mission was much nicah then my first nites sleep as ah struggled ta ignore drunks, cell phone talkahs, n vehicles (especially tha stupid buses) sos ah could just pass tha fawk out.

BUT ah did ride my bike to n from werk today in half tha time it used ta took, so if you factor that in w. all tha sleep ah missed ahm really only like 3 hours down!

1 comment:

sensibletron said...

Try thick, noise-canceling curtains and rugs on the floor. Hell, even hanging up some of those hippy-ass tapestries with like Jimi Hendrix on them will help dampen sound.

Or if all else fails get a shitload of free carpet from craigslist and put it on floor, walls, even ceiling if you can.

I have been living in a solid cinder-block apartment for going on 3 years now, so I've almost forgotten what it is like to live in an older building :/