Sunday, June 15, 2008

best grocery store evah

is Rainbow Grocery at Folsom and 13th. Of kerse, if you live in SF, this is prolly nawt news in tha slightest. Fer those of you that aren't - this is a great reason ta move out here.

First thang off tha bat, ah found some bamboo stir-fry handle thangs that were really similar to tha ones ahd been usin (n gawt used ta) back in el Cerrito, so supah bonus points thar. It's also a worker-owned coop (of kerse), n gives discounts to members of tha SF Bike Co-op (of which ahm nawt - yet. ah will be aftah next paycheck).

But really, its tha fact that they have everythang - it's huge (largah then most whole foods, yet bettah organized). It carries everythang you'd expect from a natural food store, but tha real treat is in all tha bulk goods they have - 3 full aisles of bulk pastas, proteins, rice, beans, snacks, bath goods, you name it.

Of course ah was overwhelmed tha first time ah went in n spent too much, but thas ta be expected ah think. As ah slowly git used ta how great this store is, ah think ahll figure out a routine.

If anyone is still nawt impressed, they have naked people on tha mural near tha cash registers. Naked people n groceries - does it git much bettah?

1 comment:

remj said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I wanted to go to a co-op for my groceries. It's a bit of a hike for me and stuff was a bit hard to find, but I was pretty pleased. The bulk section is the largest I've ever seen and just what I needed. Cheers!

- Rae