Searching for work, musick, n eventually a lil nookie in tha San Francisco area: An East Coaster's Account! (admittably brought to you in some sort of weird internet psuedo-slang)
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Green Butter
My cooking experiment yesterday turned out just shy of 2 cups of green butter. Lets hope it changed that color for a reason!
How much will it cost to pay my ticket for running a stop-sign?
December 1st, 2007 - Ah promise to spend at least 4 months regularly updatin this blog w. whatevah my heart desires. If you (n currently this is more like "you" cuz as far as ah ken tell, no one actively reads my blog) have anythang YER heart desires ta read about, lemme know. If aftah 4 months, ah still feel positively about keepin a blog, ahll prolly keep with it. Howevah, if 4 months passes n ahm nawt enjoyin tha fruits of my labor, feel like no one reads my thoughts, n am just generally disheartened by tha whole process, ahll likely stop.
Tha best way fer me ta feel like this isn't a complete waste of time on my part is ta receive positive feedback. N if you leave me some love, ahll prolly return tha favor. If you don't feel like givin feedback, ahd appreciate it it at least if you let me KNOW ahm nawt typin fer myself n tha strangers out thar. N if you send me any anonymous comments, ah hope you'll give me a chance to figure out who tha hell you are, cuz strangers readin about lawts of my personal life ken kinda weird me out.
Electric Bassist with a strange sense of humor, love of weird movies, and appreciation fer screwy spellings n avant-garde-ness in most capacities. Currently werkin a customer service/database desk job fer an environmental organization in downtown SF n rawkin tha hell outta tha electric bass whenevah possible.
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