It had been a DAY. Boozin w. tha band since 3 in an effort ta relax a bit while we play (they need it, nawt me), then to a bar fer a quick veggie sausage (ah love tha gestalt house). Aftahwerds, we hunted down a party er somethang - nawt that we really expected ta find one. This led us first intae tha Haight ta bother our new guitarist, then intae tha Richmond ta bother our otha one. Unfortunately, our richmond based guitarist passed tha hell out, n we eventually found ourselves at a bar that made us feel like we were back in College. Ah dont remembah what piece of 80s bubblegum pop made us leave eventually, but it was time.
This then began tha best bike ride of my life. Tha richmond district is a bit elevated from tha part of tha city ah spend most of my time in, n by followin my SF native on his bike, ah discovered tons of great back roads that had awesome slopes and were completely void of cars. Tha temperature was about 65 degrees and it felt amazing - a lite fog and mist in the air. Ah was really enjoyin tha ethereal summer/fall that was Saturday.
Of kerse, this led to some cockiness on my part. Roundin a turn, ah remembah feelin my momentum gaein forward. Ah knew ah was leanin forward, but didn't realize tha extent of it - until ah hit tha ground. Luckily tha left half of my body broke most of my fall - ah did have my helmet on but didn't dae anythang ta my head.
This resulted in 6 - 8 scrapes on my left hand, hip and leg. My wrist is sprained - nawt fractured. All this did was prompt me ta gae intae tha nearest convenient store in my daze n git some band-aids. Tha drummer had neosporin - n we were off again.
Just as we were about ta pack it in that evenin, we ran intae this girl he'd been tryin ta find all nite. This turned intae a nite whar we crashed two parties - one in a warehouse, one in a closed bar. Tha latah was an industrial dance party (meanin no one really danced, hah) where they kept givin out free shots of shitty tequila. Finally around 4:30 we dragged my buddy's drunk friend back to our bikes. Thas whar ah discovered my flat tire (tha second in as many days)
So ah walked 4 miles home at 5 am - took about an hour. W. a bruised leg, meanin ah favored my right foot a bit too much. Ah did nawt make it ta yoga tha next mornin.
Ah think ahm on tha mend - took class yestahday n gawt a massage today (serendipity inspired my masseuse ta offer a 20 bux off discount that ah cheerfully took advantage of). Ah played too much bass on Sunday n am takin it easy fer tha BIG ASSED HALLOWEEN SHOW that think13 is playin this Friday (nevah mind that tha flier says our name is Vagaboom) w. dancers n fire n lights n all sorts of great shit (nae juggling or stilt walkers like tha website says tho - we don't dae that).
Anyway, here's tha pictures of just some of tha scrapes ah endured:
Left Hand

Left Hip

Left Front Thigh (my favorite - check out tha spiral in tha scrape)

Good times....
Just pokin' around old haunts and found your new location! Hi! Two items of advice.
1. Arnica gel for bruises
2. Lean into a curve and look where you want to end up- never look down! learned via derby and my motorcyclin' pal.
I look forward to to hearing stories of the severe SF!
Ow! I'm glad you're on the mend. I suspect that the fog in the Richmond is actually sentient, and not above knocking a person over for evil amusement.
Kelly - great to see you. Will be checkin in w. you from time to time now!
Lyn - Tha Richmond has no problem knockin a person ovah - er gittin in thar brain when they drink n tellin them ta dae bad thangs (happens to my friends all tha time). Howevah, ah gawt knocked ovah back on Market St. - takin a right turn from Valenica specifically. Ah won't deny thars some spirits in tha air these days, but ah can't blame Ireland (ah mean Richmond) fer it!
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