Anyway, thar were more shenanigans this weekend in tha best city evah. On Saturday I spent some more time in my backyard moving shit around and trying to figure out what kind of gardening is tha best. Here's that spot that until 3 weeks ago was 5 ft tall weeds:

Tha weirdest thang was before ah was out thar werkin, ah saw some smoke. Ah figured it was just a neighbor smokin a cigarette next door, n then my door bell rang. When ah answered it (which ah usually dont dae unless ahm expectin somoene) my neighbors told me they saw smoke comin from my backyard. Ah went out back n found that our stairs had spontaneously caught on fire! Ah don't know what tha fawk caused it, ah couldn't anythang that indicated flame. We eventually smothered it out, but it is a mystery....

My old Mysterious Odors bandmate, Andrews (also a richmond native) was in town with his band Beatnik Jr as well as their friends Mahi Gato which featured Willie (Also of tha odors, n tha guy in tha previous post who was here last weekend) on bass at the Fat City. Drews came by in tha afternoon n we shot tha shite, n then ah met up w. them latah n gave them some California Cookies that came out excellent. Both bands rawked pretty damn hard n then thar was some hangin out....
These guys are all on drugs.
I wanted to be a rockstar w. sunglasses too!
I stayed out until 4 in tha morning in tha tenderloin (NEVAH a good idea), gawt back, had a catnap, n then it was off ta my yoga werk trade. Tha nite of boozin n tha afternoon of shovellin made me HORRENDOUSLY sore. If ah wasn't such a bikram rawkstar, I wouldve probably died in class. Or something.
Then, despite tha fact that it was unbelievable gorgeous outside, ah had WTB practice, which was fun, but nawt as much fun as outside. Aftahwerds, it was intae the Inner Mission fer pitchers of margaritas and local beer w. tha remainin Beatnik Jr/Mahi Gato folks.
Drew's rock star face is almost identical to his non-rock star face.
Before we parted ways, we talked about me comin ta visit LA fer a reunion show. Ah think it's gawna happen. Oh sweet sweet stank....
Anyway, Monday has kicked my ass and it continues to be gorgeous out. Ah am tired as fuck n my stomach is PISSED fer all tha booze. Ah promise ta be nicer ta you fer tha rest of tha month stomach.
1 comment:
You have more adventures than a pack of kittens left to play in the kitchen. Cheers to a rockin weekend.
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