1)Ahve found myself playing in a pop/rock band (What's w. all tha pop these days Severe?) and it's not too bad of a time. Thars a long complicated history behind this band that ah won't gae intae now), but ah was originally asked to fill in on a festival gig they landed, which ahm pretty sure isn't happenin now (tha festival that is). Tha main singah/songwriter is a cat ah know from Berklee, n tha otha two dudes are really good players, so it's holdin my interest fer now. We apparently need ta have 8 songs togetha by next Friday fer a show out in Fairfax. We have 4 that are decent, 2 we've heard, n thars supposed ta be two more. Tah only time ahm practicin w. them between now n then is Monday nite. Ahll let ya know how it gaes....
2)Ahm fazin out my beard - tha plan is every week er so ta slightly cut away at it, gaein thru various stages of different facial hair. Tha only one ahll definitely be avoidin is tha "ironic moustache" as thars too many fawkin hipstahs sportin that in this city. Here's a pic of step 1:
3)Ahm gittin tha gawdamm motivation ta werk my backyard intae somethang passable! Ah spent 3 very VERY productive hours back thar fixin up some of tha worse spots. Tha thang that bothas me is how similar it looks to tha pic of it 10 months ago when ah moved in. Ah fergawt ta git a "before" photo, but rest assured thar was a TON of growth since last June that gawt chopped down!

It's time fer a fawkin showah now!
Glad you are an ironic mustache skipper. Ha!
beard strong, dude. beard strong
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