Passing under the highway from the Mission into the SOMA is always such an uplifting feeling. While the Mission is generally sunnier and more climate then most areas in the city in the morning, some days it takes a while for the fog to clear. However, the SOMA, being slightly further East is always a few degrees warmer and a touch sunnier pretty much every morning. It's almost exactly halfway between my house and my office, and it feels a little like a reward for biking to work. Often I'll remove my gloves at this point and unzip my jacket now that ahve worked up a lil internal heat.

Also - this is my 200th blogpost. Holy shit, 200 posts. That is includin tha 11 from 2006, but that means 189 of them are since ah moved ta CA. Craziness. Thanks fer readin thru all tha slang folks!
1 comment:
that's pretty much hilarious.
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