First thangs first - ah moved n this is epic. Nae pics of tha new pad yet, but lets just say it is a comprable size, more climate (less cold n less hawt at all tha rite times), n a million times more comfy n liveable (not to mention, no more late night latino bar musick from across tha street!). Here's my old room (that had surprisingly interestin acoustics now that its empty!

Then Saturday ah had my first "tourist gig" - Wee the Band played at Del Monte Square up in tha Fisherman's Wharf. Ridiculous. Tourist central, we played in this outdoor square near fancey shops, a couple restaurants w. outdoor patios, "the best ice cream in San Francisco" n even a weddin reception. From 3:30 - 7, w. two breaks, we were on. Ahve nevah played that much musick in front of people in one sittin. All 20 songs, n we repeated two of em. We made a few bux, had some laughs, n paid our dues. Next time, dues pay us!

Sunday ah went back ta yoga fer tha first time in 3 weeks. Ugh, ah know bettah then this - but it wasn't all my fault. Of kerse, some of it was, ah was crazy lazy in LA, n then since ah gawt back, n then thar was tha Journey to tha End of tha Nite, n then the sickness (what ahm callin tha illness that besieged my house last week). But anyway, ah went back, n my body showed me how much ah really need ta actually stay on that yoga shit.
But what was important is it was my first day bangin on my new fawkin drums!

N of kerse, what ah really learned, is what kinds of thangs ta look fer tha next time ah buy drum equipment. But it was a blast - n tha thang ah love about drums, is ah ALWAYS feel progress if ah spend at least 30 minutes playin them. Ah try ta play somethang in tha beginnin of a session that is too hard, werk on plenty of otha thangs, n before ah end ah gae back to that same thang n ken usually play it. Gittin tha limbs ta werk around each otha instead of WITH each otha is tha hard part, but it's comin along. Tha interestin thang about drums is how it nevah sounds like you think it mite.... (Shows you ahm totally nawta drummah, rite?)
Finally, ah cleaned up my old camera (which ahm usin until ah ken git tha review button fixed on my otha one - hence tha shittier pics recently), n found this photo from my last beard, wherein fer 45 seconds ah have a asymmetrical moustache (before ah even knew hipsters grew em). Hope you laugh!

Thanks fer readin folks - 4th of July is comin up soon. Tha only day of tha year ah actively wish ah was in Washington DC....