Wee the Band!

Tha CD will be availabe oh-so-shortly! Ah actually nevah realized how long this stuff took ah guess. But soon - like in tha next 5 days - we'll have some CDs fer people ta git thar grubby hands on (gae ahead n git dirty, thas what we want anyway).
So this was a shoot from a few weeks ago - tha plan was ta git tha city in tha background on a bright SUNNY day. So we set out early - to tha fog. Nae sun, all day, weatha was tha same at 8 am (when ah gawt thar) as it would've been at 3 pm. Well, thas what we gawt. Ah like em plenty anyway.
Here's another from tha beginnin of tha shoot (before some of us took off our jackets despite tha cold [partially in solidarity w. Melody in tha dress]):

N one of us "laughing hysterically" (As directed):

N finally, me almost smilin:

Sorry it took so long! Expect emails er CDs soon! But first, Los Angeles!
I like 'em. And I can't wait to hear the CD, I am pretty much a fan of what I have heard so far...
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