Thursday ah werked most of tha day n then hightailed it to tha airport. Aftah some traffic n bollox, ah had a rental car n was on my way ta reunite w. some crazy ass dudes. It all took longah then expected, which was expected, but we ended up in tha same place at tha same time w. some instruments n cans of liquid smarties n then thangs gawt stanky.

It was pretty awesome. We practiced Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. Saturday ah took a visit to an unlikely museum, The Museum of Jurassic Technology. Ah especially enjoyed tha miniature displays (both of em).
Sunday, it was time. We went to Downey, California, and we blew it up. We tore yer head off. We jumped around, fucked a PA, gawt our sparks on, and basically left that place in ruins. Ah still can't believe we didn't git arrested.

Sometime before all this ah gawt pissed off at tha best dispensary in LA fer needin my original documentation, but still managed to end up samplin some of snoop dogg's private reserve.
We decided tha debauchery wasn't ovah yet since ah wasn't leavin until Tuesday, so on Monday we went n recorded ourselves w. both video n audio in tha practice spot. It is ridiculous. Really ridiculous. All we have now is whas on tha site: EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW!
IF anyone ken tell me of free easy software that allows me to cut and paste sections of audio/video in m4v format, ahll git you some real songs too.
Also, we have youtube videos of us enjoyin ourselves aftah tha debaucherous recordin session. We decided we should follow Upper Deck and Chief Limberger to work. N git drunk. Which is exactly what we did.

(in tha parkin lot on top of a van)
Ah drank prolly 7 sparks that day. That was stupid. My stomach hates me.
Anyway, ahm back in SF now, back ta werk tomorrow. Oh yeah, but before ah fergit:
Wee the Band CDs are in my hot lil hands!!!
You will git to enjoy soon. Just lemme settle back in fer a day er so.
1 comment:
fuck yes
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