Ahve been tryin ta write a bit, but whas really happenin is that ahm gittin inspired ta dae otha covah songs. Recently ah watched Slackers which pushed a few envelopes, but still a bit sub-par. Howevah, tha very last song, written n performed by Jason Schwartzman, makes it worthwhile, at least to me. The lyrics coincide perfectly w. tha POV of Schwartzman's character "Cool Ethan," and it catches the bittersweet ending that only he would've seen. This mornin it was makin more sense then usual when ah played it, so ah thought ahd try recordin.
Ahma bit hesitant ta show this, as ahm in my pjs n lookin far from Mr. Rawk Star (altho ah think it sorta goes w. tha feel of tha song/movie), n ah don't quite "nail tha ending". Ah have an inability to judge how my musick ken land, so please let me know if ahm completely outta my mind fer uploadin it ta youtube (unfortunetly its too big to put directly on tha blog). *Note, it will take a lil bit to load cuz ah didn't use tha right settin on my digital camera
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Information/Disclaimer about this Blog
So ah decided in tha beginnin of December to git a blog gaein. What ah fergawt ta mention is that it's currently an experiment. While ah can't say its work, er tha ah don't enjoy updatin, thar are many reasons why ah did nawt maintain a blog before, among them 1)dae ah really need more time at tha computah?, 2)is my perspective really that interesting?, 3)Why would ah put my life out thar fer potential strangers ta read?
So, my experiment is this: Ah promise to spend at least 4 months regularly updatin this blog w. whatevah my heart desires. If you (n currently this is more like "you" cuz as far as ah ken tell, no one actively reads my blog) have anythang YER heart desires ta read about, lemme know. If aftah 4 months, ah still feel positively about keepin a blog, ahll prolly keep with it. Howevah, if 4 months passes n ahm nawt enjoyin tha fruits of my labor, feel like no one reads my thoughts, n am just generally disheartened by tha whole process, ahll likely stop.
Tha best way fer me ta feel like this isn't a complete waste of time on my part is ta receive positive feedback. N if you leave me some love, ahll prolly return tha favor. If you don't feel like givin feedback, ahd appreciate it it at least if you let me KNOW ahm nawt typin fer myself n tha strangers out thar. N if you send me any anonymous comments, ah hope you'll give me a chance to figure out who tha hell you are, cuz strangers readin about lawts of my personal life ken kinda weird me out.
Also, ah will nevah name names of companies that ah werk fer, etc. Tha only specifics ahll git intae are those that ah feel are safe fer tha whole damn world ta know. My way of coverin my ass.
N now ah will dine on veggie pizza. While ah hafta give total props to tha restaurant ah bought it from (they made some alterations at my request, n while ahm outside of thar delivery area, they said they'd swing by aftah close), ah hafta say that my mostly-organic, cheese, broccoli, sun-dried tomatoe, olive, n mushroom pizza is a lil bit burned, n tha sauce is too thick. Fer 18 bux, ah was hopin fer a lil bit more....pizzazz.
So, my experiment is this: Ah promise to spend at least 4 months regularly updatin this blog w. whatevah my heart desires. If you (n currently this is more like "you" cuz as far as ah ken tell, no one actively reads my blog) have anythang YER heart desires ta read about, lemme know. If aftah 4 months, ah still feel positively about keepin a blog, ahll prolly keep with it. Howevah, if 4 months passes n ahm nawt enjoyin tha fruits of my labor, feel like no one reads my thoughts, n am just generally disheartened by tha whole process, ahll likely stop.
Tha best way fer me ta feel like this isn't a complete waste of time on my part is ta receive positive feedback. N if you leave me some love, ahll prolly return tha favor. If you don't feel like givin feedback, ahd appreciate it it at least if you let me KNOW ahm nawt typin fer myself n tha strangers out thar. N if you send me any anonymous comments, ah hope you'll give me a chance to figure out who tha hell you are, cuz strangers readin about lawts of my personal life ken kinda weird me out.
Also, ah will nevah name names of companies that ah werk fer, etc. Tha only specifics ahll git intae are those that ah feel are safe fer tha whole damn world ta know. My way of coverin my ass.
N now ah will dine on veggie pizza. While ah hafta give total props to tha restaurant ah bought it from (they made some alterations at my request, n while ahm outside of thar delivery area, they said they'd swing by aftah close), ah hafta say that my mostly-organic, cheese, broccoli, sun-dried tomatoe, olive, n mushroom pizza is a lil bit burned, n tha sauce is too thick. Fer 18 bux, ah was hopin fer a lil bit more....pizzazz.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Where I live
In case anyone is curious about tha specific location of my new digs, tha above picture gives you an idea. Note - If you are having a hard time viewing the pic, just click on it.
In order to understand this a bit better, you have to realize that everythang to tha right of tha blue line is UPHILL. San Pablo (tha blue line) is what ah refer to as "Tha Strip," because its full of retail/food/etc. stuffs. Everythang up-hill is suburban housing, n everythang to tha left of San Pablo is slightly more sketchy housing.
In terms of location, its a 10 minute walk to the shops, or a 3 minute bike ride. Tha Subway (known as tha BART) is .7 miles away, n ah ken git thar n lock my bike up in 10 minutes flat. ah haven't done much explorin any furtha east of whar ah live, as tha hill just gits steeper n steeper (altho thars supposed to be a national park somewhar up thar). My Bikram Yoga studio is 2.5 miles, er 20 minutes, away (thars a bike path that runs paralell to San Pablo a few blocks East).
It's grey n cloudy n rainy, so ah will upload some photos of my surroundings on a nicer day. At tha right times, its really quite beautiful (n ah have a great view of SF before tha subway goes underground).
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tha Holidays = TV
These days at least, christmas time is when ah watch more tv then tha rest of tha year put togetha, n this year was nae exception. In fact, thanks to JetBlue and thar 30 channels of DirectTV per every customer (nawt ta mention lawtsa leg room - nice!), ah prolly watched more this year then evah before. My flights were about 7 hours each way, n thars nawt a whole lawt ta dae in Buffalo, so tha boob tube pretty much ate my brain. Reruns of King of tha Hill, that 70s show (thanx FX!), discovery channel, n all tha bearable xmass movies ah could watch (most notably, A Christmas Story and Scrooged (tha one w. Bill Murray).
All tha commercials gawt me kinda psyched up fer new episodes of somethang ahve nevah seen before, but now that ahm back in tha CA, it is nawt ta be. Instead, ahll be focusin my energy on:
in tha meantime howevah, ahve been asked back to finish up tha stacks of data-entry pages, so thas some money in tha pocket. Also, ah don't need ta pay fer yoga anymore, which is also nice.
Tonite ah may have a crazy blind date in Albany. It's 38 degrees outside. N ah aced a phone interview this mornin. Ah don't know how to end this entry.
All tha commercials gawt me kinda psyched up fer new episodes of somethang ahve nevah seen before, but now that ahm back in tha CA, it is nawt ta be. Instead, ahll be focusin my energy on:
in tha meantime howevah, ahve been asked back to finish up tha stacks of data-entry pages, so thas some money in tha pocket. Also, ah don't need ta pay fer yoga anymore, which is also nice.
Tonite ah may have a crazy blind date in Albany. It's 38 degrees outside. N ah aced a phone interview this mornin. Ah don't know how to end this entry.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Beef w. VH1 n what they consider "metal"
Here's thar list of "Top 40 Metal Songs": HERE
Despite tha totally obnoxious inclusion of both Slipknot and KORN (both of whom totally suck n are far far away from metal, especially tha songs included. Ahll give early 90s KORN almost a metal title, but by late 90s, theyd gawten completely disco-ed out. System of tha Down, ahve come ta terms with), tha choice of tunes are fairly decent. It's mostly thar choice of "commentators" that enrages me.
Hosted by Sebastian Bach (of Skid Row, and thas ALL), too many unknowns and purveyors of nu/rap/wimp-metal are featured. First off, Sebastian Bach, despite bein a total DICKHEAD (who is known fer wearin a t-shirt that read "AIDS kills fags dead" in tha early 90s, n also NAWT an original member of Skid Row (they totally auditioned him, had all tha songs written, etc.)), is completely rigid tha whole way through. Tha "tribute" er "bare acknowledgement" he gives tha late great Dimebag Darrell almost made me puke...nae emotion whatsoevah. Might as well be Carmen Electra (who may be hawt, n datin Dave Nacvarro, but delivers lines like a wooden dummy) except he's devoid of both tits n legs. Also, Chris Jericho, whos a wrestler is given WAY too much street cred, n a membah of Papa Roach (total purveyors of tha "my parents dont give me enough allowance money metal") is featured in every otha video. Granted, VH1 Classic ca't have THAT much of a budget, but ahm pretty sure if they just attended a Judas Priest concert they'd find someone who's more aware of tha history of metal then some of tha wankers that just gawt me close ta throwin my empty beer can at my uncles 40" HD TV.
It's hard ta give props to a good effort, when its supported by such bullshit poser folk. It's hard fer me to watch my "barely noble" first-love be given credibility by people who are no more metal then Blink 182. Ah guess if nuthin else tho, this proves ahm still plenty metal....even though these days ah apparently channel my anger through typed words. Ah promise you folx, within tha next year ah will have one evil, diabolical, distorted-ass-group of delinquents that set people straight. Metal is more then power chords n eyeliner....although nawt always by much.
Despite tha totally obnoxious inclusion of both Slipknot and KORN (both of whom totally suck n are far far away from metal, especially tha songs included. Ahll give early 90s KORN almost a metal title, but by late 90s, theyd gawten completely disco-ed out. System of tha Down, ahve come ta terms with), tha choice of tunes are fairly decent. It's mostly thar choice of "commentators" that enrages me.
Hosted by Sebastian Bach (of Skid Row, and thas ALL), too many unknowns and purveyors of nu/rap/wimp-metal are featured. First off, Sebastian Bach, despite bein a total DICKHEAD (who is known fer wearin a t-shirt that read "AIDS kills fags dead" in tha early 90s, n also NAWT an original member of Skid Row (they totally auditioned him, had all tha songs written, etc.)), is completely rigid tha whole way through. Tha "tribute" er "bare acknowledgement" he gives tha late great Dimebag Darrell almost made me puke...nae emotion whatsoevah. Might as well be Carmen Electra (who may be hawt, n datin Dave Nacvarro, but delivers lines like a wooden dummy) except he's devoid of both tits n legs. Also, Chris Jericho, whos a wrestler is given WAY too much street cred, n a membah of Papa Roach (total purveyors of tha "my parents dont give me enough allowance money metal") is featured in every otha video. Granted, VH1 Classic ca't have THAT much of a budget, but ahm pretty sure if they just attended a Judas Priest concert they'd find someone who's more aware of tha history of metal then some of tha wankers that just gawt me close ta throwin my empty beer can at my uncles 40" HD TV.
It's hard ta give props to a good effort, when its supported by such bullshit poser folk. It's hard fer me to watch my "barely noble" first-love be given credibility by people who are no more metal then Blink 182. Ah guess if nuthin else tho, this proves ahm still plenty metal....even though these days ah apparently channel my anger through typed words. Ah promise you folx, within tha next year ah will have one evil, diabolical, distorted-ass-group of delinquents that set people straight. Metal is more then power chords n eyeliner....although nawt always by much.
vh1 is lame,
wimp-assed commentators
Monday, December 24, 2007
anutha australia xmass picture
News Flash - Buffalo is Cold!
Big surprise to all involved, ahm sure.
My flights were fine, despite me nawt readin tha BART guide kerrectly. Most of Saturday was spent in hangover-battle-mode, aftah a most rawkin Solstice Eve w. tha members of think13 n all of thar boozy friends. A quick stop-ovah at Kennedy (tha busiest ahve evah seen an airport at 5:30 am) n ah arrived yestahday mornin. Then ah slept fer 3 hours, n then tha eatin began!
Shortly aftah ah gawt in, tha weatha started hittin tha fan. 40 mph wind gusts, flooding north of Buffalo, snow/sleet/etc. fallin everywhar. Ahd wanted ta wake up bright n early fer some Bikram, but tha roads were promisin ta be pure crap. Also, ah apparently needed ta sleep fer some 12 hours, havin many crazy dreams. Including ones about some dude whos house as alive, buyin a bike in Bawstan, n many othas.
Below is a picture of my Uncles front yard....while thars nawt that much snow, part of Buffalo's inability to make up its mind shines through. Specifically, when ah landed, thar was snow on tha ground. Then rain started fallin, n tha snow dissappeared. Now it's back. My guess is this will be repeated fer at least one more round before ahm actually outta here. Only crazies actually want ta live in this city, but what more would one expect from my extended family? (anyone whos met my father would unnerstand).

Ahm sufferin from a slight withdrawl from my favorite pain medication...only in CA two months now, but ahve gawten awful use to tha dispensaries n thar wide selection of edibles....
Happy holidays wherevah you are (jerks!).
My flights were fine, despite me nawt readin tha BART guide kerrectly. Most of Saturday was spent in hangover-battle-mode, aftah a most rawkin Solstice Eve w. tha members of think13 n all of thar boozy friends. A quick stop-ovah at Kennedy (tha busiest ahve evah seen an airport at 5:30 am) n ah arrived yestahday mornin. Then ah slept fer 3 hours, n then tha eatin began!
Shortly aftah ah gawt in, tha weatha started hittin tha fan. 40 mph wind gusts, flooding north of Buffalo, snow/sleet/etc. fallin everywhar. Ahd wanted ta wake up bright n early fer some Bikram, but tha roads were promisin ta be pure crap. Also, ah apparently needed ta sleep fer some 12 hours, havin many crazy dreams. Including ones about some dude whos house as alive, buyin a bike in Bawstan, n many othas.
Below is a picture of my Uncles front yard....while thars nawt that much snow, part of Buffalo's inability to make up its mind shines through. Specifically, when ah landed, thar was snow on tha ground. Then rain started fallin, n tha snow dissappeared. Now it's back. My guess is this will be repeated fer at least one more round before ahm actually outta here. Only crazies actually want ta live in this city, but what more would one expect from my extended family? (anyone whos met my father would unnerstand).
Ahm sufferin from a slight withdrawl from my favorite pain medication...only in CA two months now, but ahve gawten awful use to tha dispensaries n thar wide selection of edibles....
Happy holidays wherevah you are (jerks!).
Saturday, December 22, 2007
East Coast for X-Mess!
Ahm leavin fer New York at 9:15 pm tonite (if tha gods so decree it at least). Everytime ah tell someone that they exclaim "That's COLD!" Yes, Buffalo is definitely cold, but tha houses are warm n tha people are good n thars tons of food n drink. Ahm lookin forward to a change of scenery as well.
Last evening I neglected all forms of self-care n caution, drinking entirely too much n shouting entirely too loud fer tha longest nite of tha year. Howevah, ahm still standin by my actions, as ah had a great time, met some interesting people, n gawt ta bang on tha drums. It was good practice fer me as well, fer while ah was connected to tha band, ah knew almost no one n found myself havin ta werk at bein social, funny, etc. It's been a lil while since ahve been forced ta be so "on," n while ah did okay, thars improvement ta be made. Sometimes ah think ahm too content nawt expandin my horizons/puttin myself out thar, which ahm now more aware of, n think that as long as ahm acknowledging this ahll be more likely ta git bettah at bein "tha new guy." In tha past, ahve nawt cared as much b.c of my close proximity ta close friends, but out here its a different story.
Here's a holiday photo from two years ago when ah was in Bribane, Australia (a sub-tropical city). As beautiful and warm as Brizzy is, ah was pretty unhappy n lonely thar, n will take my cold-assed weekend+ in Buffalo ta boring-assed depressing Brisbane any day!
Happy Holidays!
Last evening I neglected all forms of self-care n caution, drinking entirely too much n shouting entirely too loud fer tha longest nite of tha year. Howevah, ahm still standin by my actions, as ah had a great time, met some interesting people, n gawt ta bang on tha drums. It was good practice fer me as well, fer while ah was connected to tha band, ah knew almost no one n found myself havin ta werk at bein social, funny, etc. It's been a lil while since ahve been forced ta be so "on," n while ah did okay, thars improvement ta be made. Sometimes ah think ahm too content nawt expandin my horizons/puttin myself out thar, which ahm now more aware of, n think that as long as ahm acknowledging this ahll be more likely ta git bettah at bein "tha new guy." In tha past, ahve nawt cared as much b.c of my close proximity ta close friends, but out here its a different story.
Here's a holiday photo from two years ago when ah was in Bribane, Australia (a sub-tropical city). As beautiful and warm as Brizzy is, ah was pretty unhappy n lonely thar, n will take my cold-assed weekend+ in Buffalo ta boring-assed depressing Brisbane any day!
Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 21, 2007
New Musick from ME!
in case you don't read Breakdancing Godzilla er check yer myspace, regularly:
Ah have a new cover song, recorded in tha basement of tha house ah live on. It's tha first chance ahve had ta arrange something since ahve been here, n ahm incorporatin my new distortion pedal as well, so ahm pretty proud of this song (if nawt necessarily this performance). You can find it on my MySpace. Hope you enjoy, n happy holidays!
Ah have a new cover song, recorded in tha basement of tha house ah live on. It's tha first chance ahve had ta arrange something since ahve been here, n ahm incorporatin my new distortion pedal as well, so ahm pretty proud of this song (if nawt necessarily this performance). You can find it on my MySpace. Hope you enjoy, n happy holidays!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Minor Updates
1 - today at werk ah finished tha first of two stacks. altho ah dont think ahll be held accountable fer finishin tha second one, so ahve decided ta nawt werk TOO hard while ahm thar.
2 - fer tha equivalant of 2 hours of werk a week, ah ken gae ta as much bikram as my insane heart desires. My guess is tha otha place won't be quite as lenient w. tha free-ness, n this could affect thangs....
2 - fer tha equivalant of 2 hours of werk a week, ah ken gae ta as much bikram as my insane heart desires. My guess is tha otha place won't be quite as lenient w. tha free-ness, n this could affect thangs....
What's tha best kind of yoga?
Today aftah werk ahm gaein to tha Bikram place ta meet tha owner n talk to him about daein work exchange fer yoga. Tomorrow aftah werk, ahm gaein to anutha place (That offers non-bikram yoga) fer tha same purpose. Pretty good, huh?
Tha only downside of this is that it cuts intae tha time tonite that ahd set aside to try n record my new cover song, but thars a good chance ahll still be able ta git a decent recording before ah leave fer Buffalo, NY this Saturday. Keep yer fingahs crossed if you want some SEVERE BASS.....
Today aftah werk ahm gaein to tha Bikram place ta meet tha owner n talk to him about daein work exchange fer yoga. Tomorrow aftah werk, ahm gaein to anutha place (That offers non-bikram yoga) fer tha same purpose. Pretty good, huh?
Tha only downside of this is that it cuts intae tha time tonite that ahd set aside to try n record my new cover song, but thars a good chance ahll still be able ta git a decent recording before ah leave fer Buffalo, NY this Saturday. Keep yer fingahs crossed if you want some SEVERE BASS.....
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monotonous Temp Job Update
Hey, how's that temp job going?
Why, thanks for asking! Here's a picture:

So what are you looking at? (n no, ah am nawt werkin fer tha US Postal Service. Ahm in an office that only gits used about one week outta tha month, so is also used fer mail overflow)
Well, the large stack of papers is what is left to be entered (notice - ah haven't even finished tha first of tha two rubber-banded stacks, which ahm pretty sure is smallah then tha second one). Tha small stack of papers is how many pages ah gawt through TODAY. Ah don't count (it would take too much precious time), but if ah gae supah-dupah fast, ah ken finish a page in about 9 or 10 minutes. Howevah, that kinda pace is hard ta keep, so ah think ah prolly average more like a page every 15 minutes, breaks excluded. Ah especially git thrown off when somethin gaes wrong....sometimes tha info in tha system doesn't match up, which throws me for a loop n ah hafta restart. Sometimes, tha member has been merged w. anutha ID, which ken throw me fer two er as many as three loops (each time requiring a restart). N sometimes my hand slips (usually nawt requiring a restart.)
Tis tha season fer tedious data entry! Jingle those bells!
Why, thanks for asking! Here's a picture:

So what are you looking at? (n no, ah am nawt werkin fer tha US Postal Service. Ahm in an office that only gits used about one week outta tha month, so is also used fer mail overflow)
Well, the large stack of papers is what is left to be entered (notice - ah haven't even finished tha first of tha two rubber-banded stacks, which ahm pretty sure is smallah then tha second one). Tha small stack of papers is how many pages ah gawt through TODAY. Ah don't count (it would take too much precious time), but if ah gae supah-dupah fast, ah ken finish a page in about 9 or 10 minutes. Howevah, that kinda pace is hard ta keep, so ah think ah prolly average more like a page every 15 minutes, breaks excluded. Ah especially git thrown off when somethin gaes wrong....sometimes tha info in tha system doesn't match up, which throws me for a loop n ah hafta restart. Sometimes, tha member has been merged w. anutha ID, which ken throw me fer two er as many as three loops (each time requiring a restart). N sometimes my hand slips (usually nawt requiring a restart.)
Tis tha season fer tedious data entry! Jingle those bells!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
On tha rebound (health-wise)
Ah think last nites yoga really helped, as well as consumin massive amounts of vitamins n otha immune-system boosters. One of these was Alka Seltzer Plus Immunity Complex, available in orange zest flavor. Something about tha specific chemicals in this particular medicine is also turnin my pee neon-green, which is sorta cool, n sorta weirdin me out.
Did anyone know they made a Garbage Pail Kids Movie? Well they did, n ah watched it so you don't hafta. Unless yer studyin cheesy 80s actin, its pretty worthless (like ah expected anythang else).
Did anyone know they made a Garbage Pail Kids Movie? Well they did, n ah watched it so you don't hafta. Unless yer studyin cheesy 80s actin, its pretty worthless (like ah expected anythang else).
Friday, December 14, 2007
Know What's AWESOME*?
Ah think ahm gittin sick!
So ah went to yoga ta try n sweat tha toxins out...n still feel pretty shitty. And my back is fawkin KILLIN me from tryin ta kerrect my shitty comptha posture all day at werk (via E-Cises). Also, my throat hurts so ah can't take my pain medication in tha usual way.
Luckily most stores carry said medication in a variety of forms, including marshmallow squares made out of Fruity Pebbles --- which really IS awesome.
*-note, generally if ah say somethin is AWESOME in this manner, ahm bein sarcastic
So ah went to yoga ta try n sweat tha toxins out...n still feel pretty shitty. And my back is fawkin KILLIN me from tryin ta kerrect my shitty comptha posture all day at werk (via E-Cises). Also, my throat hurts so ah can't take my pain medication in tha usual way.
Luckily most stores carry said medication in a variety of forms, including marshmallow squares made out of Fruity Pebbles --- which really IS awesome.
*-note, generally if ah say somethin is AWESOME in this manner, ahm bein sarcastic
Thursday, December 13, 2007
What ah did fer 7.5 hours today (n will dae tha day aftah, n tha day aftah...)
Ah have a temp assignment! Finally!
It's w. a non-profit (n one you've prolly heard of, they dae good stuff) just ovah tha bridge daein data entry. Tha pay is...bettah then my bare minimum, n it doesn't start at 8 am (it starts at nine) so ah really can't complain. Howevah, this is tha most TEDIOUS temp job ahve had since my FIRST EVAH back in Bawstan, Jan. 05, which was also data entry. Actually, this one might be even MORE tedious.
Note tha differences between tedious and boring -- Boring is when thars nuthin ta dae, so its soooo borin cuz you don't hafta dae anythang OR at least nuthin that requires ANY sort of thought. These are usually receptionist jobs at someplace quiet, er puttin bindahs togetha, er (my favorite) puttin thangs in envelopes. Sometimes, tha organizin borin jobs will have weird temp co-workers as well, which make them less borin cuz you have someone ta talk ta.
Tedious is when you have somethang ta dae, that just nevah stops. It requires just a SMIDGEN of thought or paying attention (altho if you make a mistake w.o noticing, odds are its nawt THAT big of a deal, and that it won't come back ta you. thas why temps dae this stuff, obviously). Tedious is generally data-entry, or makin copies of irregularly sized papers, er filin, etc.
By tha way, while wakin up at 7 sucked, hopin on my bike to tha BART first thang in tha mornin felt really good!
Anyway, my assignment:

Each page of paper in that stack has about 50+ names on it, each w. an 8-digit member id. these are tha people who don't want to be called anymore. ah type that 8 digit numbah in, dae two keystrokes, click my mouse (ta move tha cursor) make anutha keystroke, n hit entah. Then ah cross that name off tha list. Repeat.
If ah make tha slightest mistake (a wrong numbah, er invalid code fer tha data field), ah hafta start tha program ovah, sign in again, etc.
Ah moved ta california fer this?
time ta stop typin...
It's w. a non-profit (n one you've prolly heard of, they dae good stuff) just ovah tha bridge daein data entry. Tha pay is...bettah then my bare minimum, n it doesn't start at 8 am (it starts at nine) so ah really can't complain. Howevah, this is tha most TEDIOUS temp job ahve had since my FIRST EVAH back in Bawstan, Jan. 05, which was also data entry. Actually, this one might be even MORE tedious.
Note tha differences between tedious and boring -- Boring is when thars nuthin ta dae, so its soooo borin cuz you don't hafta dae anythang OR at least nuthin that requires ANY sort of thought. These are usually receptionist jobs at someplace quiet, er puttin bindahs togetha, er (my favorite) puttin thangs in envelopes. Sometimes, tha organizin borin jobs will have weird temp co-workers as well, which make them less borin cuz you have someone ta talk ta.
Tedious is when you have somethang ta dae, that just nevah stops. It requires just a SMIDGEN of thought or paying attention (altho if you make a mistake w.o noticing, odds are its nawt THAT big of a deal, and that it won't come back ta you. thas why temps dae this stuff, obviously). Tedious is generally data-entry, or makin copies of irregularly sized papers, er filin, etc.
By tha way, while wakin up at 7 sucked, hopin on my bike to tha BART first thang in tha mornin felt really good!
Anyway, my assignment:

Each page of paper in that stack has about 50+ names on it, each w. an 8-digit member id. these are tha people who don't want to be called anymore. ah type that 8 digit numbah in, dae two keystrokes, click my mouse (ta move tha cursor) make anutha keystroke, n hit entah. Then ah cross that name off tha list. Repeat.
If ah make tha slightest mistake (a wrong numbah, er invalid code fer tha data field), ah hafta start tha program ovah, sign in again, etc.
Ah moved ta california fer this?
time ta stop typin...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Yoga and Acupuncture are a delicate mix...
So fer tha past 6 weeks, ahve been daein Bikram Yoga which is hard as hell. Ta continue along on tha hellish metaphor, its also done in heat...100 - 110 degrees farenheit ta be a lil more specific. Tha instructors are like drill sergeants, constantly pushing you hardah, n tha workout is EXACTLY tha same EVERY TIME! 2 breathing exercises (one at tha beginnin, one at tha end), and 24 postures, more er less half standin n half on tha floor. Exact same ordah, exact same length, w. people shoutin commands at you. Ah don't RECOMMEND Bikram, but ah really like it. Must be tha yin to my yang, er ratha tha M to my S. It also reminds me of wrestling in high skool, altho less gross n w. bettah scenery.
Ah have also been gittin acupuncture fer a lil ovah a month ta help w. my right hand/wrist/arm/shouldah injury. Ah fawked my right wrist up a few years ago at a desk job, n its been gittin worse until when ah moved here n decided ah NEEDED ta dae somethin. Ah git acupuncture at tha Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Clinic in downtown Berkeley cuz its VERY CHEAP (as in, if you make an appointment with 24 hours er less, n have a referral from one of tha interns, it is only TEN DOLLERS!)
Both of these thangs are helpin my wrist and arm n shoulder feel much much bettah thank you, but today ah learned that while Acupuncutre AFTAH Bikram is AWESOME, but Acupuncutre BEFORE Bikram is AWFUL!
Somethin about stirrin up all that chi was just NAWT good fer me today. Ah had my worst class EVAH, eventually leaving 3 postures early because it was becoming tortuous (n nawt in tha good way). Ahve nevah left early before, but ah just couldnt relax.
This is especially unfortunate b/c my cheapie 1st-month trial will be ovah on Friday. Howevah, ah have made some pretty good improvement since beginning:
1)My first class, ah could nawt dae camel pose, n now ah ken
2)Ah am able ta lean back VERY FAR now
3)Ah ken ALMOST git intae "toe stand" (gittin out is anutha thang altogetha)
4)ah unnerstand how triangle is supposed ta werk, even if ah cant' dae it rite
n today
5)ah was able ta lock my elevated knee (briefly)in Standing Head to Toe
Ah also dae bikram w.o a shirt (cuz its fawkin hawt in thar) n it always amuses me ta be called "Dragon Tattoo."
Ah have also been gittin acupuncture fer a lil ovah a month ta help w. my right hand/wrist/arm/shouldah injury. Ah fawked my right wrist up a few years ago at a desk job, n its been gittin worse until when ah moved here n decided ah NEEDED ta dae somethin. Ah git acupuncture at tha Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Clinic in downtown Berkeley cuz its VERY CHEAP (as in, if you make an appointment with 24 hours er less, n have a referral from one of tha interns, it is only TEN DOLLERS!)
Both of these thangs are helpin my wrist and arm n shoulder feel much much bettah thank you, but today ah learned that while Acupuncutre AFTAH Bikram is AWESOME, but Acupuncutre BEFORE Bikram is AWFUL!
Somethin about stirrin up all that chi was just NAWT good fer me today. Ah had my worst class EVAH, eventually leaving 3 postures early because it was becoming tortuous (n nawt in tha good way). Ahve nevah left early before, but ah just couldnt relax.
This is especially unfortunate b/c my cheapie 1st-month trial will be ovah on Friday. Howevah, ah have made some pretty good improvement since beginning:
1)My first class, ah could nawt dae camel pose, n now ah ken
2)Ah am able ta lean back VERY FAR now
3)Ah ken ALMOST git intae "toe stand" (gittin out is anutha thang altogetha)
4)ah unnerstand how triangle is supposed ta werk, even if ah cant' dae it rite
n today
5)ah was able ta lock my elevated knee (briefly)in Standing Head to Toe
Ah also dae bikram w.o a shirt (cuz its fawkin hawt in thar) n it always amuses me ta be called "Dragon Tattoo."
bikram yoga,
repetitive stress inury
Frustrating Things (in ordah):
1)Applying for a job that you are definitely qualified fer (hello, werkin fer a musickal institution as an Admin Asst. in their Marketing Department - ahma musician, ahma admin asst., ahve werkin in an advertising division - n a really big one too!) and being told ahd be contacted within 3 weeks if they're interested
2)nawt hearin anythang fer 3 weeks
3)findin exact same post on craigslist.org some 3+ weeks latah
4)upon furtha inspection, realizin that b/c ah hadn't started usin a macro-date/time on my resume, ah had dated my original application November 118, instead of 18.
luckily ahm persisten, so this time ahma apply n practice NAWT GITTIN MY HOPES UP!
2)nawt hearin anythang fer 3 weeks
3)findin exact same post on craigslist.org some 3+ weeks latah
4)upon furtha inspection, realizin that b/c ah hadn't started usin a macro-date/time on my resume, ah had dated my original application November 118, instead of 18.
luckily ahm persisten, so this time ahma apply n practice NAWT GITTIN MY HOPES UP!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Ridiculous Catering Story #1
With so much buildup, ahm sure everyone needs an update on that mega-corpo-party ah werked at (n technically will be gittin paid fer).

This is tha playing field of AT&T park (apparently tha SF baseball team is tha Giants, which ah nevah wouldve guessed in a million years). While tha quality is bad (its from my camera phone, you should be able ta make out 1)a dance floor (one of at least 2, n prolly 3 er 4) on tha left, followed by 2)a sledding hill and then, 3)an ice skating rink. 8,500 people were expected at this party, apparently biotechnology is a pretty profitable field these days. 2 of 3 floors of suites and otha high-rise ballpark real estate were rented out, stuffed w. food, bars, bands (ah was stationed near one of tha main entrances, stocking two buffet tables w. food n desert, just next to tha 80s cover band that played 3 sets, each time appearing in a different clothes), airbrush tattoos, n who knows what else. Call time was at 5 pm, aftah wich we were served pasta (ah stayed clear of tha meatballs, but am sure ah ingested some animal protein one way er anutha), n then stood around outside in tha cold, a mess of penguin lookin waitstaff of all types (college student through senior citizen). Then a 45 minute procession of callin off our names and assignin us to stations took place (when all they really needed to do was pick a group of us), n it was ON!
It might just be tha years ahve spent in hospitality, but ah've nevah unnerstood who people ken be so fricken oblivious to thar surroundins in crowded restaurants n partys. Despite our big assed white chefs coats, we were pretty much invisible to tha patrons. Walkin from one section to anutha took 30 minutes sometimes cuz tha assorted bio-techno people were too busy tellin themselves how great thar party was ta GIT THA FAWK OUTTA OUR WAY!
ahll also mention that a bunch of those folks looked real young ta have fancy jobs, but part of that might just be my own projections.

This is tha playing field of AT&T park (apparently tha SF baseball team is tha Giants, which ah nevah wouldve guessed in a million years). While tha quality is bad (its from my camera phone, you should be able ta make out 1)a dance floor (one of at least 2, n prolly 3 er 4) on tha left, followed by 2)a sledding hill and then, 3)an ice skating rink. 8,500 people were expected at this party, apparently biotechnology is a pretty profitable field these days. 2 of 3 floors of suites and otha high-rise ballpark real estate were rented out, stuffed w. food, bars, bands (ah was stationed near one of tha main entrances, stocking two buffet tables w. food n desert, just next to tha 80s cover band that played 3 sets, each time appearing in a different clothes), airbrush tattoos, n who knows what else. Call time was at 5 pm, aftah wich we were served pasta (ah stayed clear of tha meatballs, but am sure ah ingested some animal protein one way er anutha), n then stood around outside in tha cold, a mess of penguin lookin waitstaff of all types (college student through senior citizen). Then a 45 minute procession of callin off our names and assignin us to stations took place (when all they really needed to do was pick a group of us), n it was ON!
It might just be tha years ahve spent in hospitality, but ah've nevah unnerstood who people ken be so fricken oblivious to thar surroundins in crowded restaurants n partys. Despite our big assed white chefs coats, we were pretty much invisible to tha patrons. Walkin from one section to anutha took 30 minutes sometimes cuz tha assorted bio-techno people were too busy tellin themselves how great thar party was ta GIT THA FAWK OUTTA OUR WAY!
ahll also mention that a bunch of those folks looked real young ta have fancy jobs, but part of that might just be my own projections.
big-assed parties,
Just cuz everyone cares....
Ah finally gawt around ta readin tha latest Harry Potter book. And thar was STILL nae mention of fun, kinky wizard sex. Just in case anyone was wondering. Which is totally a dissapointment, as tha possibilities were friggin ENDLESS! More surprising, is ah couldn't even come up w. a naughty harry-potter cartoon/forgery to include as a picture. Brownie points to anyone who can (ahll admit ah didn't try very hard).
Friday, December 07, 2007
Spendin $$ to break even
Ahve taken one step closer to tha corporate restaurant world today....made me a lil weak in tha knees ta tell ya tha truth. Yesterday ah attended an "Open Call" fer a very large corporation that does event staffing, etc. It took me ovah an hour ta git to, and involved a couple miles of biking (in tha rain, only second time its rained since ah gawt here). Ah filled out an application (noticing that in my recent employment history, only one of those positions was in hospitality, and that was from Australia), n took a written test asking all sorts of important questions like "What side of the plate does the fork go on" (the left) and true/false "The knife should face the plate?" (true). Instead of lookin at my application, ah was asked to summarize my experience, which ah did. (ahve been in interview mode these last few weeks so this part was easy), n was told to come back tomorrow for a final interview. 20 minutes aftah ah arrived, back intae tha rain, on my trusty steed (bike). Aftah ah went shoppin, etc., ahd been out in tha rain fer ovah 3 hours, was way gross, n had spent 7 bux on transportation.
Today ah woke up to tha sound of meowing cat (spoonfull is its name, n thar will be at least one blog post focused on his annoying characteristics), n shovelled off to Pleasant Hill again. Pleasant Hill, as they mite say here, is hella far away from me. My second interview we went over all tha clusterfucks that come w. workin w. a corporation, tha expectations of all their servers, how we were pretty much out on our own ta figure out how we were gittin to n from events w.o travel compensation, n tha incredibly impersonal manner in which we would get assignments (signing ontae a slow website, listin our availability, n then waitin fer one of tha calendar days to turn red, so that we could investigate tha situation and confirm our availability). It's a far cry from tha work ah dae fer Hands On! Gourmet, who organize carpools and compensate you for travel. Then ah found out that my high level of skills, which had guaranteed my "final interview" (quotes used b/c this was nae interview, this was me fillin out w-9s n signin papers sayin that ah wouldnt commit workers comp fraud) would give me tha much-sought aftah compensation of $11.50 per hour. I won't even accept temping assignments fer this little, n those are usually at least full-days werk.
So ontae tha title of todays post, ahve done tha math n factoring in two days of travel to obtain this stupid job (close to 15 bux total), buying an all-black tie which is necessary fer tha event ahm werkin tomorrow ($20 bux at Target, if anyone has evah set out to find a single-color tie in discount clothing stores, they know how frustrating an excursion this is), n transportation from tha event (which is being held at tha fricken AT&T Ball-Park, tha same that some sports team plays at), 6-7 hours of work at my meager (fawkin MEAGER) hourly rate, minus taxes, will maybe put 10 bux in my pocket aftah accountin fer all tha cash spent in tha last 48 hours.
This will howevah, be tha biggest event ahve evah worked (75 servers will be on-call), so ah can't imagine it bein very difficult. Ahll consider it a good day if ahm able ta git back to tha BART (Bay Area Rapid Transport) before tha last train leaves fer tha East Bay. Far from tha idealistic sprout who arrived in CA 6 weeks ago w. a gleam of hope in his eyes fer tha ultimate job, now ah will be happy if ah don't git stuck in downtown SF overnite in dress clothes.
In job-hunt news, tha place that turned me down fer someone who either 1)really is intae a career in development or 2)is a bettah liar then me, passed on my resume to tha place they share thar workspace with. While thats very nice of them, ah dont know how well ahd actually handle working in tha same office as a place whose rejection ah couldnt help but take a litle bit personally. Not to mention tha office bein pretty unaccessible unless you are LOADED, n ah doubt tha otha organization has tha same kind of budget as tha one ahd initially interviewed w.
Anyway, tomorrow is band practice with Warren Teagarden and his drummer, Anthony, n then ah turn intae a faceless drone at some uber-corps holiday party. Let's hope somethin interestin happens so ah ken blog about it, shall we?
Today ah woke up to tha sound of meowing cat (spoonfull is its name, n thar will be at least one blog post focused on his annoying characteristics), n shovelled off to Pleasant Hill again. Pleasant Hill, as they mite say here, is hella far away from me. My second interview we went over all tha clusterfucks that come w. workin w. a corporation, tha expectations of all their servers, how we were pretty much out on our own ta figure out how we were gittin to n from events w.o travel compensation, n tha incredibly impersonal manner in which we would get assignments (signing ontae a slow website, listin our availability, n then waitin fer one of tha calendar days to turn red, so that we could investigate tha situation and confirm our availability). It's a far cry from tha work ah dae fer Hands On! Gourmet, who organize carpools and compensate you for travel. Then ah found out that my high level of skills, which had guaranteed my "final interview" (quotes used b/c this was nae interview, this was me fillin out w-9s n signin papers sayin that ah wouldnt commit workers comp fraud) would give me tha much-sought aftah compensation of $11.50 per hour. I won't even accept temping assignments fer this little, n those are usually at least full-days werk.
So ontae tha title of todays post, ahve done tha math n factoring in two days of travel to obtain this stupid job (close to 15 bux total), buying an all-black tie which is necessary fer tha event ahm werkin tomorrow ($20 bux at Target, if anyone has evah set out to find a single-color tie in discount clothing stores, they know how frustrating an excursion this is), n transportation from tha event (which is being held at tha fricken AT&T Ball-Park, tha same that some sports team plays at), 6-7 hours of work at my meager (fawkin MEAGER) hourly rate, minus taxes, will maybe put 10 bux in my pocket aftah accountin fer all tha cash spent in tha last 48 hours.
This will howevah, be tha biggest event ahve evah worked (75 servers will be on-call), so ah can't imagine it bein very difficult. Ahll consider it a good day if ahm able ta git back to tha BART (Bay Area Rapid Transport) before tha last train leaves fer tha East Bay. Far from tha idealistic sprout who arrived in CA 6 weeks ago w. a gleam of hope in his eyes fer tha ultimate job, now ah will be happy if ah don't git stuck in downtown SF overnite in dress clothes.
In job-hunt news, tha place that turned me down fer someone who either 1)really is intae a career in development or 2)is a bettah liar then me, passed on my resume to tha place they share thar workspace with. While thats very nice of them, ah dont know how well ahd actually handle working in tha same office as a place whose rejection ah couldnt help but take a litle bit personally. Not to mention tha office bein pretty unaccessible unless you are LOADED, n ah doubt tha otha organization has tha same kind of budget as tha one ahd initially interviewed w.
Anyway, tomorrow is band practice with Warren Teagarden and his drummer, Anthony, n then ah turn intae a faceless drone at some uber-corps holiday party. Let's hope somethin interestin happens so ah ken blog about it, shall we?
still broke,
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Crazy Blind!
If you live in Austin, TX, Boston, MA, NYC, er tha SF Bay area, thars a new internet meeting site that cuts through all tha bullshit n puts you in a face-off w. someone of a desirable sex IN REAL LIFE!
CrazyBlindDate.com is apparently run by tha same people that dae OKCupid, only the main difference is that you have virtually nae contact w. tha otha person before you meet them at a bar/coffeeshop. You answer a few basick questions fer about what yer lookin fer that tha otha person ken see, n then a few more about who yer lookin fer (that they can't see) n then tha fun is supposed ta begin. You dae upload a photo, but they pixelate tha shite outta it so you have nae idea what tha person you are meeting actually looks like:
Ah had one of these last Friday, which had various drawbacks....my date was ovah an hour late (at least she let me know) n it lasted all of two (very strong) drinks at a bar, before she had ta run home ta her 4-month year old son (in San Jose). These thangs werk fast howevah, fer in just tha last hour ahve set up anutha one fer this evening. Of kerse, an unemployed and broke musician who lives in tha burbs is sure ta knock ALL tha ladies off their feet, so we ken rest assured thangs will gae smashingly THIS time around, rite?
CrazyBlindDate.com is apparently run by tha same people that dae OKCupid, only the main difference is that you have virtually nae contact w. tha otha person before you meet them at a bar/coffeeshop. You answer a few basick questions fer about what yer lookin fer that tha otha person ken see, n then a few more about who yer lookin fer (that they can't see) n then tha fun is supposed ta begin. You dae upload a photo, but they pixelate tha shite outta it so you have nae idea what tha person you are meeting actually looks like:
Ah had one of these last Friday, which had various drawbacks....my date was ovah an hour late (at least she let me know) n it lasted all of two (very strong) drinks at a bar, before she had ta run home ta her 4-month year old son (in San Jose). These thangs werk fast howevah, fer in just tha last hour ahve set up anutha one fer this evening. Of kerse, an unemployed and broke musician who lives in tha burbs is sure ta knock ALL tha ladies off their feet, so we ken rest assured thangs will gae smashingly THIS time around, rite?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Current Musickal Endeavors
So, the job hunt is, how should ah put it, gaein very shitty. Ah've had interviews at 7 places, n am just waitin ta hear back from tha last one (which ahm guessin, will be a "no".). Some of them I've really wanted, some ah would've been okay w., n thar was one that ah think would've made me pretty unhappy in tha long run. Howevah, w. 5 weeks intae tha SF n nawt a single offer, ahm feelin a lil down. Even catering work is currently nawt turnin up much, n ah can't help but think it's cuz tha owner of tha company saw me stuff a fish taco down my mouth (which is really, far from against tha "rules" er lack thereof, but still).
Luckily, my musickal prospects are a lil more promising (n ahd fawkin hope so!). Two weeks ago ah met a man named Nathan, who operates under tha name Warren Teagarden fer "reasons unknown". Nathan is a nice guy (even if tha whole "My name isn't really Warren" thang is a lil confusing), n we met up to play some musick, which went very well. Nathan has a drummer (oddly enuff, named Anthony), and is hopin ta git a live band togetha ta support his new album, which he is independantly releasing in February. Ah like tha tunes pretty good, n hear great thangs about tha "other Anthony", so I'm looking forward to tha prospect of jammin out in front of a live audience w. these two gentleman.
Tonight, ah met w. some folks in tha Mission District (which is a great neighborhood in downtown SF that ah'd really like ta find a way ta live in) for an audition with tha group think13. think13 is mostly run by two performance artists, Christoph and Dee, who met a couple years back (according to thar bios) when they were lead actors in some production. They've taken tha musick they write (which they refer to as "Progressive Indie Rock") to tha next level by involving a HIGH level of stage theatrics (suchas gymnastics, fire spinning, and trapeze stuffs, nae shit!), n are also usin tha band to spearhead a non-profit organization that will teach young 'uns how ta put shows like these on. Tha current percussionist works w. his mother, who just recently gawt a very large grant to teach SF youth how to write, record, and produce musick. Needless to say, all this stuff gawt me pretty interesting, n todays auditon went very well. At tha end of tha third song ah was told that ah was "hired", which began to spark more interesting conversation regarding tha future of think13, tha vision, and VAGABOOM, tha non-profit organization. A less-biased write-up of think13 ken be found here.
So if all goes well, yers truly will be rawkin tha fawk out on stage soon enuff! N please keep those fingahs crossed fer payin werk (my landlady will thank you!)
Luckily, my musickal prospects are a lil more promising (n ahd fawkin hope so!). Two weeks ago ah met a man named Nathan, who operates under tha name Warren Teagarden fer "reasons unknown". Nathan is a nice guy (even if tha whole "My name isn't really Warren" thang is a lil confusing), n we met up to play some musick, which went very well. Nathan has a drummer (oddly enuff, named Anthony), and is hopin ta git a live band togetha ta support his new album, which he is independantly releasing in February. Ah like tha tunes pretty good, n hear great thangs about tha "other Anthony", so I'm looking forward to tha prospect of jammin out in front of a live audience w. these two gentleman.
Tonight, ah met w. some folks in tha Mission District (which is a great neighborhood in downtown SF that ah'd really like ta find a way ta live in) for an audition with tha group think13. think13 is mostly run by two performance artists, Christoph and Dee, who met a couple years back (according to thar bios) when they were lead actors in some production. They've taken tha musick they write (which they refer to as "Progressive Indie Rock") to tha next level by involving a HIGH level of stage theatrics (suchas gymnastics, fire spinning, and trapeze stuffs, nae shit!), n are also usin tha band to spearhead a non-profit organization that will teach young 'uns how ta put shows like these on. Tha current percussionist works w. his mother, who just recently gawt a very large grant to teach SF youth how to write, record, and produce musick. Needless to say, all this stuff gawt me pretty interesting, n todays auditon went very well. At tha end of tha third song ah was told that ah was "hired", which began to spark more interesting conversation regarding tha future of think13, tha vision, and VAGABOOM, tha non-profit organization. A less-biased write-up of think13 ken be found here.
So if all goes well, yers truly will be rawkin tha fawk out on stage soon enuff! N please keep those fingahs crossed fer payin werk (my landlady will thank you!)
Monday, December 03, 2007
Back In tha Saddle (again)
So at tha request of Sarah Dopp, ah've decided ta possibly start this blog up again. While currently, ahm unemployed, n livin in a suburb of berkeley (jeez, ah couldn't even live in a suburb of Oakland, could ah?), we are all hoping that changes soon, rite? Rite. It will be a much different blog then tha one ah started some year n a half ago, fer two notable reasons: 1)Originally this blog was started ta chronicle my job, n tha lack of werk that went w. said job, n 2)When initiated, this blog took a certain tone n linguistic style that is very much NAWT me. Ah will change both of these aspects, tha first most notably that ahm currently TOTALLY unemployed, n tha second, that instead of tha air of a sophisticated overachiever, ahll be speakin in what ah generally refer to as "Severe Slang." While potentially less riotus, this blog will now be a lil-more true-ta-form, at least in my opinion.
Ah also recommend that you check out Breakdancing Godzilla, a community blog wherein ah will dae my best ta post only those thangs that are interesting to many, as opposed to just me. Also, ah try ta keep my personal life off've tha BG, at least as much as possible.
Note: Ah dae find it somewhat interestin that both my handle "Humble Observer" n especially my blog title "What am I doing here?" continue to be pretty much accurate fer my state of mind, despite tha many notable differences between what ahm up to now, n what ah was up ta back in April of 2006.
Ah also recommend that you check out Breakdancing Godzilla, a community blog wherein ah will dae my best ta post only those thangs that are interesting to many, as opposed to just me. Also, ah try ta keep my personal life off've tha BG, at least as much as possible.
Note: Ah dae find it somewhat interestin that both my handle "Humble Observer" n especially my blog title "What am I doing here?" continue to be pretty much accurate fer my state of mind, despite tha many notable differences between what ahm up to now, n what ah was up ta back in April of 2006.
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