This is tha playing field of AT&T park (apparently tha SF baseball team is tha Giants, which ah nevah wouldve guessed in a million years). While tha quality is bad (its from my camera phone, you should be able ta make out 1)a dance floor (one of at least 2, n prolly 3 er 4) on tha left, followed by 2)a sledding hill and then, 3)an ice skating rink. 8,500 people were expected at this party, apparently biotechnology is a pretty profitable field these days. 2 of 3 floors of suites and otha high-rise ballpark real estate were rented out, stuffed w. food, bars, bands (ah was stationed near one of tha main entrances, stocking two buffet tables w. food n desert, just next to tha 80s cover band that played 3 sets, each time appearing in a different clothes), airbrush tattoos, n who knows what else. Call time was at 5 pm, aftah wich we were served pasta (ah stayed clear of tha meatballs, but am sure ah ingested some animal protein one way er anutha), n then stood around outside in tha cold, a mess of penguin lookin waitstaff of all types (college student through senior citizen). Then a 45 minute procession of callin off our names and assignin us to stations took place (when all they really needed to do was pick a group of us), n it was ON!
It might just be tha years ahve spent in hospitality, but ah've nevah unnerstood who people ken be so fricken oblivious to thar surroundins in crowded restaurants n partys. Despite our big assed white chefs coats, we were pretty much invisible to tha patrons. Walkin from one section to anutha took 30 minutes sometimes cuz tha assorted bio-techno people were too busy tellin themselves how great thar party was ta GIT THA FAWK OUTTA OUR WAY!
ahll also mention that a bunch of those folks looked real young ta have fancy jobs, but part of that might just be my own projections.
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