Last evening I neglected all forms of self-care n caution, drinking entirely too much n shouting entirely too loud fer tha longest nite of tha year. Howevah, ahm still standin by my actions, as ah had a great time, met some interesting people, n gawt ta bang on tha drums. It was good practice fer me as well, fer while ah was connected to tha band, ah knew almost no one n found myself havin ta werk at bein social, funny, etc. It's been a lil while since ahve been forced ta be so "on," n while ah did okay, thars improvement ta be made. Sometimes ah think ahm too content nawt expandin my horizons/puttin myself out thar, which ahm now more aware of, n think that as long as ahm acknowledging this ahll be more likely ta git bettah at bein "tha new guy." In tha past, ahve nawt cared as much b.c of my close proximity ta close friends, but out here its a different story.
Here's a holiday photo from two years ago when ah was in Bribane, Australia (a sub-tropical city). As beautiful and warm as Brizzy is, ah was pretty unhappy n lonely thar, n will take my cold-assed weekend+ in Buffalo ta boring-assed depressing Brisbane any day!
Happy Holidays!

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