My flights were fine, despite me nawt readin tha BART guide kerrectly. Most of Saturday was spent in hangover-battle-mode, aftah a most rawkin Solstice Eve w. tha members of think13 n all of thar boozy friends. A quick stop-ovah at Kennedy (tha busiest ahve evah seen an airport at 5:30 am) n ah arrived yestahday mornin. Then ah slept fer 3 hours, n then tha eatin began!
Shortly aftah ah gawt in, tha weatha started hittin tha fan. 40 mph wind gusts, flooding north of Buffalo, snow/sleet/etc. fallin everywhar. Ahd wanted ta wake up bright n early fer some Bikram, but tha roads were promisin ta be pure crap. Also, ah apparently needed ta sleep fer some 12 hours, havin many crazy dreams. Including ones about some dude whos house as alive, buyin a bike in Bawstan, n many othas.
Below is a picture of my Uncles front yard....while thars nawt that much snow, part of Buffalo's inability to make up its mind shines through. Specifically, when ah landed, thar was snow on tha ground. Then rain started fallin, n tha snow dissappeared. Now it's back. My guess is this will be repeated fer at least one more round before ahm actually outta here. Only crazies actually want ta live in this city, but what more would one expect from my extended family? (anyone whos met my father would unnerstand).
Ahm sufferin from a slight withdrawl from my favorite pain medication...only in CA two months now, but ahve gawten awful use to tha dispensaries n thar wide selection of edibles....
Happy holidays wherevah you are (jerks!).
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