is apparently run by tha same people that dae OKCupid, only the main difference is that you have virtually nae contact w. tha otha person before you meet them at a bar/coffeeshop. You answer a few basick questions fer about what yer lookin fer that tha otha person ken see, n then a few more about who yer lookin fer (that they can't see) n then tha fun is supposed ta begin. You dae upload a photo, but they pixelate tha shite outta it so you have nae idea what tha person you are meeting actually looks like:
Ah had one of these last Friday, which had various date was ovah an hour late (at least she let me know) n it lasted all of two (very strong) drinks at a bar, before she had ta run home ta her 4-month year old son (in San Jose). These thangs werk fast howevah, fer in just tha last hour ahve set up anutha one fer this evening. Of kerse, an unemployed and broke musician who lives in tha burbs is sure ta knock ALL tha ladies off their feet, so we ken rest assured thangs will gae smashingly THIS time around, rite?
so, how'd it go last night?
Pretty much tha same as last time....she was late (altho nawt as much as tha first time), plesant, but nawt much chemistry. She also lives way outside the city, but is w.o child.
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