It's w. a non-profit (n one you've prolly heard of, they dae good stuff) just ovah tha bridge daein data entry. Tha pay is...bettah then my bare minimum, n it doesn't start at 8 am (it starts at nine) so ah really can't complain. Howevah, this is tha most TEDIOUS temp job ahve had since my FIRST EVAH back in Bawstan, Jan. 05, which was also data entry. Actually, this one might be even MORE tedious.
Note tha differences between tedious and boring -- Boring is when thars nuthin ta dae, so its soooo borin cuz you don't hafta dae anythang OR at least nuthin that requires ANY sort of thought. These are usually receptionist jobs at someplace quiet, er puttin bindahs togetha, er (my favorite) puttin thangs in envelopes. Sometimes, tha organizin borin jobs will have weird temp co-workers as well, which make them less borin cuz you have someone ta talk ta.
Tedious is when you have somethang ta dae, that just nevah stops. It requires just a SMIDGEN of thought or paying attention (altho if you make a mistake w.o noticing, odds are its nawt THAT big of a deal, and that it won't come back ta you. thas why temps dae this stuff, obviously). Tedious is generally data-entry, or makin copies of irregularly sized papers, er filin, etc.
By tha way, while wakin up at 7 sucked, hopin on my bike to tha BART first thang in tha mornin felt really good!
Anyway, my assignment:

Each page of paper in that stack has about 50+ names on it, each w. an 8-digit member id. these are tha people who don't want to be called anymore. ah type that 8 digit numbah in, dae two keystrokes, click my mouse (ta move tha cursor) make anutha keystroke, n hit entah. Then ah cross that name off tha list. Repeat.
If ah make tha slightest mistake (a wrong numbah, er invalid code fer tha data field), ah hafta start tha program ovah, sign in again, etc.
Ah moved ta california fer this?
time ta stop typin...
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