Saturday, January 19, 2008

Like anyone really cares how cold it is in California...

In my zip code, it is 34 degrees. 34-fawkin-degrees!! Ah just biked home in that crap.

Ah didn't feel near as cold in SF, whar think13 just played a gig (videotaped, n tha video will tell how it actually came off. Our drunk selves thought we were absolutely brillant....), so ah checked dowtown n saw its 46 degrees. EVERYONE told me tha East Bay is warmer then SF, so what gives?

Also - w. BART prices rising slightly, ah recently figured out that a m-f commute from my house will cost me OVER $150 bux a month. Which bumps me intae a completely different pricing brackett, especially if heat continues ta be so costly. Ah've bought a new space heater, but am afraid ahve been ripped off, er at least nawt gawten what ah thought ah was gittin. So we'll see how that gaes, when it arrives.

Upside - think13 rawked fairly hard tonite
Downside - ahm still lettin people git inside my head even when ah don't want them ta (completely unrelated but consistent thought at this time)

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