Sunday, May 14, 2006

Even Considering Escaping is not Permissable

Our narrator had engagements this weekend which brought him south of his residence and potential earth-shaking job offer, and thusly his mobile phone remained largely ignored (especially to those from a staffing agency that will remain nameless). This humble observer had failed to inform said staffing agency that his prescene was most required past the original termination date due to his steadfast commitement and productive attitude at this current place of employment.

Within the span of 48 hours, 2 calls were made to the mobile phone while travelling, one to his home line, and finally cumulating in a Sunday-afternoon friendly enquiry as to whether or not our narrator would return to this exciting and potentially life-saving organization. Yours truly responded with a resounding affirmative.

At this moment, the humble observer is contemplating imporant issues such as the question of whether laundering may wait another day and whether or not a post nine o clock appearance is acceptable.

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