Thursday, May 18, 2006

Fascination of the Highest Degree

This Plucky Young Lad could not be contained by the confines and comforts of his mattress this morning, such was the desire to quickly relocate to his comfortable office setting for another work day of exciting and important procrastination.

Today a few more of the flower letters were sent out, despite the fact that they have been dated 12 days prior. After that a memo, and some mild assemblage of exciting facts. All of this just within the first 3 hours!

Big Momma, while nawt quite giant-esque in stature, has regained control of the office and is ruling under an iron fist of judgement. However, her eyesight is less then perfect. While a respite from the giants enormous belly slouched across the desk is appreciated, Big Momma manages to make her perusal of computer screens a little too close for comfort. Added to this is a look of confusion which is due to the inferiority complex her pupils seem to have come down with.

You may soon, loyal readers, notice a change in this plucky young lads profile. Last night while contemplating a long happy career at this non-profit office, a bolt of truth shot through the night and into his head.

This Humble Observer has absolutely no interest in becomming a full time employee, and if it were not for his complete lack of funds and substantial debt, would likely terminate his temporary status as well.

The giant senses great tension between your faithfull narrator and has been reduced to grunts and death stares on the occasions yours truely has had to squeeze past him in the hallways. He does not appreciate his authority being handed back to Big Momma, and is consequently threated by our humble observers aptitude for this exciting work.

On top of this, everyones favorite employee is unable to make his cup of chai, as all coffee mugs are either in use or in the dishwasher. The odds are against him this morning.

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