Sunday, April 27, 2008

Is it bettah ta blog about nuthang....

then ta nawt blog at all? Thoughts?

In sad news, one of my band members suffered a loss in his family so we did not make it to Sacramento last week. He seems to be doing okay, and we're looking forward to rawkin the House of Shields before he goes on tour w/o me this Friday.

Nawt much exciting has happened, altho apparently ah gawt gunk on one of my brake pads n it was startin ta scare me a bit... n then somethang excitin happened:

My friend who ah haven't seen since a few summahs ago in Iowa calls me n invites me to a punk show at her friends house, n ah see her kickass warehouse space n watch 5 folx from chicago play in two different bands w. big assed smiles on thar face n tha one guy tells me that this is tha first time they've really felt appreciated since they left fer tour two weeks ago n it was great. Ah was given an aloe plant ta grow n repotted my cactus who's been suffering, as well as movin em outside fer more sun.

Tha Bay Area knows how ta dae weekends, ah gawta hand it ta them. Doesn't mattah what tha weekdays been like, Saturday n Sunday are usually drop-dead gorgeous tempratures n climates. This aftahnoon ah biked home from Emeryville, partially along tha coast/highway. Tha Bay has a pungent odor, n thar were a ton of dogs at one particular beach havin a blast.

Also watched Super High Me, wherein Doug Benson stops smoking pot for 30 days, and then spends tha next 30 REALLY stoned. He defintely fawked up a lawt more in his standup when he was stoned, er at least thas how it was intended ta come across. As a movie, it was uneven (big surprise), but it had a decent little charm to it, and is tha most potentially mainstream movie ahve seen that adequately describes how medical cannabis works in lovely CA.

1 comment:

sensibletron said...

See, I didn't think this entry was about nothing. Then again, I'm procrastinating on a paper so I'll take what I can get.