Sunday, March 09, 2008

How weak

and unprofessional!

We'd been contacted by what ah will say no more about then that they are a country-western band from las vegas if we could help them git a gig. Well, favors are good, rite?

They decide instead that they'll play anutha show but maybe they ken swing by tha bar we're at at like midnite?

No thanks.

Ahm still pullin triple duty, unless, like ah said, ah pussy out.

Upside - Today ah biked ta berkeley. Ah really like how that sounds n what that meant. Walkin that first couple blocks on Telegraph on a beautiful Sunday w. my bike = excellent. N aftahwerds came home ta play some surprisingly rawkin musick somewhat out of tha blue. We felt like a band, just about, except ah had nae idea what they were gawna dae until they actually did it. Sounded pretty good tho, whatevah it was.

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